Sony Reveals 20 minutes of Final Fantasy XVI

Sony Reveals 20 minutes of Final Fantasy XVI
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Today’s State of Play from Sony was one Final Fantasy fans have been waiting for. June 22 will see the release of the 16th installment of the beloved Final Fantasy franchise. While teaser trailers of cinematics and info from Square Enix devs have been keeping the hype high, today’s State of Play made major waves by releasing 20 minutes of cinematics/gameplay. After the dust settled, it’s safe to say the hype is even higher and gamers are ready.

In the presentation, Square Enix deemed FFXIV to be the first “true action-RPG” of the series. They would then proceed to show amazing cinematics with fluid third person action gameplay, even details of the menu/navigation interface. They also revealed a little bit of the story, starring the main character named Clive. Things really step up when the presentation gets to the combat system (with no turn phases), demonstrating what players can expect including the new Icon vs Eikon mode. Square Enix announced at the end that there was still more to reveal. Based on this presentation, Final Fantasy XVI looks like it will live up to its hype with its look, its feel, and story.

About Post Author

Dan Danzy

Howdy. I'm Dan. I'm a huge nerd for games, sci-fi, and comedy. I was a stand up comic for a long time, I don't know why that matters but its a fun tidbit I guess? I enjoy writing in my house about things I love, playing with my dogs, and annoying my wife.
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Author: Dan Danzy
Howdy. I'm Dan. I'm a huge nerd for games, sci-fi, and comedy. I was a stand up comic for a long time, I don't know why that matters but its a fun tidbit I guess? I enjoy writing in my house about things I love, playing with my dogs, and annoying my wife.