Final Fantasy XIV (2010 – Present)

Final Fantasy XIV (2010 - Present)
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For those looking for a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG for short) with a storyline full of ambition and quality, look no further than Final Fantasy XIV Online. The title originally released September of 2010 on PC and PlayStation 3 but has evolved with console generations, now avaibile on PS4, PS5 as well as MacOS. In its 12 years, Square Enix has released four massive expansions of content: Heavensward (2015), Stormblood (2017), Shadowbringers (2019), and the latest expansion Endwalker (2021). Players can experience these huge story additions after finishing the base game: A Realm Reborn. As of this writing, Final Fantasy XIV has over 35 million users around the world, is the most profitable game in the series, and received countless positive reviews among the gaming community.

The story takes place in the world of Hydaelyn in a region called Eorzea. The player picks a class, a job, and a custom look to travel around the region of Eorzea. The story is uncovered little by little, watching conflict unfold that’s putting everything and everyone in danger – conflict that is spreading to other regions, even other realms. The player constantly fighting to become the Hero the world needs. Things begin to take interesting twists and turns through the expansions.

In the multiplayer aspect, Final Fantasy XIV does an excellent job at capturing that World of Warcraft feel involving different players with different jobs and roles in battle, executing them correctly and completing the challenges as one. Dungeons, boss fights, card games, racing, puzzles, fishing and more things can occupy one’s time with a group of friends aside from the main story. The game also has variety of exploration for those who wish to uncover mysteries within the world.

Its addictive cooperative main campaign – thick with narrative and side quests along with its side quests – rich with rewards and loot make Final Fantasy XIV an experience more than a game. If you are a fan of the Final Fantasy genre, it is a love letter to every game in the franchise through soundtrack and lore. What more could you ask for?

About Post Author

Dan Danzy

Howdy. I'm Dan. I'm a huge nerd for games, sci-fi, and comedy. I was a stand up comic for a long time, I don't know why that matters but its a fun tidbit I guess? I enjoy writing in my house about things I love, playing with my dogs, and annoying my wife.
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Author: Dan Danzy
Howdy. I'm Dan. I'm a huge nerd for games, sci-fi, and comedy. I was a stand up comic for a long time, I don't know why that matters but its a fun tidbit I guess? I enjoy writing in my house about things I love, playing with my dogs, and annoying my wife.